Is Nuts and Volts dead ?

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Re: Is Nuts and Volts dead ?

Post by CeaSaR »

Is that truly giddy, or just stir crazy? o_O LOLOLOL

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Re: Is Nuts and Volts dead ?

Post by MicroRem »

I get here when i can, always nice to see new posts. My company got pretty whomped by COVID restrictions.
Best to all of you, I will post something when I come up with something clever.
Anytime a N and V shows up I'm a happy guy.

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Re: Is Nuts and Volts dead ?

Post by Lenp »

Yesterday I said to my wife "WoW, we sure got a lot of holiday cards today" as I was busy opening them.
They were the ones she put out for pickup earlier.... :sad:

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Re: Is Nuts and Volts dead ?

Post by solar3000 »

And why is it impossible to login to my account?
Who would guess that you have to click on 'subscribe' to log in to your account? What genius thought it would be a good idea? Why would anybody click on 'subscribe' unless they WANT to subscribe? Who would click on 'subscribe' if they are already subscribed?
Oh, I see, it's to scare away the evil hackers. Because the evil hackers are that stupid.
Sean Lemieux
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Re: Is Nuts and Volts dead ?

Post by Sean Lemieux »

Hi solar3000, we understand why that would be confusing and already have it included on the next round of updates to the website. Shortly, it should be updated to say "Subscription."

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Re: Is Nuts and Volts dead ?

Post by solar3000 »

Thanks. We need fresh ideas. Nobody seems to be buying paper magazines anymore. The only bookstores left Barnes and Noble. And they are shrinking even further. Perhaps at least add more entries to your homepage. For example, you still have raspberry pi original board posted. I mean things like that don't even cost you anything. You don't need any revolutionary new changes to the website. I try telling people about the mag here and there.
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Re: Is Nuts and Volts dead ?

Post by oloryn »

The subject reflects my own question. I stumbled across this site, remembering the Nuts & Volts mag of old, but I note that in the middle of 2021, the site seems to reflect *no* 2021 issues. That certainly gives one pause weeke considering whether to subscribe.
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Re: Is Nuts and Volts dead ?

Post by Sean Lemieux »

Hello Oloryn, I'd be happy to explain. Back in 2019, we had some unfortunate circumstances in our family (we are a small family business, not a large publishing company). This caused us to have to delay the magazine. We have since resumed publishing and have just released 2020 Issue-4. Once issues 5 & 6 are published, we will be on to 2021 issues. It will take a little bit of time to get the release date to match the cover date but no need to worry, we are still here and still publishing magazines.

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Re: Is Nuts and Volts dead ?

Post by van411 »

Feels like it's time for you to fish or cut bait. I note that you are still accepting new subscriptions and renewals for your magazines (N and V, Servo) for printed copies sent through the mail, not something sent by email. Nowhere on your renewal site is there an admission that there will be no print copies. This has been going on for too long. Perhaps considering refunds would be in order. I recently got an email saying that N and V and Servo new issues were available (11/8/21). Have been waiting patiently. No hard copies. This is not acceptable.
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Re: Is Nuts and Volts dead ?

Post by mpgmike »

For everyone that posts here, there are maybe 100+ people that read the posts. Running a magazine requires expertise on several fronts: content, advertising, printing, shipping, and marketing (and probably other skill sets).

Content: Someone has to write articles. The folks running the magazine can contribute articles, but eventually they run out of fresh ideas. As readers, we are encouraged to write and contribute articles for the magazine. It might surprise you to know that N&V actually PAYS for fresh and relative articles! Maybe you know something cool you could share with others through the magical venue of Nuts and Volts. Write an article. Be a part of the solution.

Advertising: If you think for a brief moment that your subscription price covers the costs of printing, publishing, and mailing a magazine, (and putting food on the table in the form of a paycheck for those doing the work) think again! The bulk of revenue generated from ANY magazine is from advertisers. Perhaps I was remiss when I omitted the solicitor's duty in what it takes to run a magazine. (Maybe it can be lumped into the Marketing category?) Someone from Nuts & Volts is actively contacting companies in the electronics industry to place ads. If you purchase products from these advertising companies, they run the ads again. If not, they bail. These companies do track such stuff, believe it or not.

Printing: As was pointed out in previous posts, print magazines are waning in favor of e-magazines. Nuts and Volts still mails paper magazines, which I simply adore! I don't take my laptop to the bathroom with me in the morning, but can pull a paper magazine from the rack by the toilet. Plus, I can't write in the margins or highlight relative text with a PDF or Kindle. Printing is an additional expense that many other venues have abandoned. If you value your paper magazine, please appreciate the fact that this service comes at a significant cost.

Shipping: This could also be called bulk mailing costs. The Post Office actually charges real hard-earned money to deliver our beloved magazines to our door. In addition to the printing costs, there are mailing costs. If you noticed, you receive an email claiming your new Nuts and Volts Magazine is ready. You are provided a link to review it in digital form. However, it may be a week or 2 before you receive your paper copy. In addition to costs, there is a time factor related to creating paper copies.

Marketing: How did you end up reading this? If you are a subscriber, where did you hear about Nuts and Volts? The fact that you are here is a result of marketing. This requires time to create, and money to deliver. N&V sends out timely emails packed with articles you may have forgotten about, or maybe never read. They work hard to stay on your radar screen. This marketing is yet another obscure cost of doing business.

I admit there are other publications that seemingly operate without a hitch, but they are probably owned by some conglomerate that can buffer a weak year at one magazine with the profits from another experiencing a bountiful year. The "conglomerate" here is Nuts and Volts, and Servo Magazine. Partnerships are a special type of relationship. They expect and deal with short-comings from their comrades (up to a point), yet contribute value to the partnership. The goal is all partners contribute and are rewarded. As a subscriber to N&V you are somewhat of a "partner". You invest money, and get a return in the form of new knowledge.

I will be one of those that eventually bail if I see a consistent pattern of neglect and passivism from the N&V staff. I will also be one of those most willing to give them the opportunity to get their acts together after the personal challenges alluded to by Sean (I may know more than most??). If you demand perfection from your N&V Magazine, don't renew your subscription. If you truly value the unique information (seriously, do you read the obscure stuff they publish?? Some of it isn't available anywhere else!!) you receive each issue (whenever it does arrive), then please join my attitude of "give them a chance". They promised to deliver the appropriate number of magazines, regardless of "published date".

You don't know what you don't know, and you don't even know that you don't know it. If perfection is that important to you, don't re-subscribe. However, as long as N&V folks are working diligently to get back to "normalcy", if you find value, stay part of the family. Either way, please be gentle when posting concerns. They really are good folks that try hard.
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Re: Is Nuts and Volts dead ?

Post by bethzur »

I just received an email stating that my subscription needs to be renewed. I did, but then I realized that the last episode was dated 2020 but it arrived this year. Assuming printed issues are continuing, I'm OK to wait and keep the renewal. (I'm behind with reading all of my magazines.)
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Re: Is Nuts and Volts dead ?

Post by kenglong »

2020 Issue 5 is the last paper issue I have and the last digital issue available on this website. Nothing in 2021 at all. I'm afraid Nuts and Volts isn't coming back. Is the second part of the Sweep Generator project by Dick Whipple available anywhere? I've been patiently waiting for it.
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Re: Is Nuts and Volts dead ?

Post by AlcidePir2 »

Where is 2021 ??

I dont believe it. I just received the newest online edition of Nuts and Volts : 2022 Issue-1

But where is 2021 ? The previous edition was 2020 Issue 6. I know there was COVID, but did everybody sleep for the entire 2021 year ?

Then I thought there might be an explanation. Sean should have apologized in great details in the editorial columns of this 2022-1 number. But no, nothing. Nada. Not a single word of the disparition of year 2021. But I have paid, like many others, for the 2021 subscription. Doesn't this at least deserve some explanation ?
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Re: Is Nuts and Volts dead ?

Post by AlcidePir2 »

This time, it is too much !

Not a word of explanation or apology why all 2021 year has been canceled, despite subscribers like me have paid for the full year.

Only one issue in 2022 so far. Is Nuts and Volts becoming a half-yearly magazine ? This is even doubtful, as in the case of a half-yearly magazine, the second issue should have been already out.

So I am sorry to say that I consider now that Nuts and Volts is definitively dead and I canceled my subscription today. If I consider that I paid 40 € (2021+2022) for a single issue (2022 issue-1), you can imagine that this is too much, despite the initial sympathy I had for this magazine.

So bye bye Nuts and Volts ! Rest in Peace.
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Re: Is Nuts and Volts dead ?

Post by Dabbo56 »

I paid for my print subscription 4 months ago and still waiting…..
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