Is Nuts and Volts dead ?

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Is Nuts and Volts dead ?

Post by AlcidePir2 »

I have been a subscriber of N&V for several years.
It was then monthly.
Then suddenly last year,
We waited and waited for the April issue and finally N&V appeared in May saying that they
Became bi-monthly.
Now, the March/April issue is overdue.

Will it ever appear ?

Is N&V dead ?
Sean Lemieux
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Re: Is Nuts and Volts dead ?

Post by Sean Lemieux »

Nuts & Volts is most certainly not dead. In fact March/April is at the printer right now.

To be honest, we have had quite a few setbacks during the last few issues and due to having such a small staff, it has taken a bit longer than expected to get things back on track. The magazine business has changed dramatically in recent years which is forcing publishers to find a balance between print and digital means. Going bi-monthly is allowing us more time to dial in all the different channels we offer to receive content. We are working diligently to provide our loyal subscribers the great content we've strived to produce for 40+ years.

We truly appreciate everyone's patience and support in these recent months.
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Janitor Tzap
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Re: Is Nuts and Volts dead ?

Post by Janitor Tzap »

Sounds more like the "Thousand Cuts" too me. :sad:

I to have seen the Mag go from a 11 x 8 inch 20-30 page plain paper booklet.
To a 14 X 18 inch glossy cover 100+ page Mag.
Then back down to a 11 x 8 inch glossy 100- page Mag.

It's hard to get the younger generation interested in electronics,
since most everything is designed not to be repaired easily. :(

Yeah, there are some that are hacking phones, and making AP's for them.
But you have to spend a couple hundred dollars for the equipment & supplies to do it. :(

Some years back, N&V did a "Setup a Work Bench for about $100 challenge".
Pretty much doubt any one could do it now, by just buying new equipment. :sad:

Signed: Janitor Tzap
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Re: Is Nuts and Volts dead ?

Post by dacflyer »

I remember when the magazine was printed on like newspaper material, i liked it way better than the glossy paper..Glossy paper is so much harder for me to read, because it catches all the light.
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Re: Is Nuts and Volts dead ?

Post by solar3000 »

I like my magazines carved on clay tablets.
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Re: Is Nuts and Volts dead ?

Post by AlcidePir2 »

It has been more then 10 days since you said it is at the printer.
Are you actually manually carving the matrix ?
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Re: Is Nuts and Volts dead ?

Post by dacflyer »

like Solar said...maybe back to clay
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Re: Is Nuts and Volts dead ?

Post by Ronaldlees »

dacflyer wrote: Sat May 04, 2019 6:54 pm I remember when the magazine was printed on like newspaper material, i liked it way better than the glossy paper..Glossy paper is so much harder for me to read, because it catches all the light.
Agree. I have subscribed to other journals (in decades that have long passed) - that were printed on plain paper because the publishers were just getting started. They were easy to read, and had very few advertisements (the journals probably didn't see that as advantage LOL). But, there were more articles as a result. Then each of them progressed to the gloss format, and the ads came in abundance. I am overdue to make a trip to the news stand to get latest version of this one, but since it was delayed apparently, didn't miss anything.
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Re: Is Nuts and Volts dead ?

Post by AlcidePir2 »

Finally, it came out !

But instead of a March/April issue, we get a "2019 Issue-2"

I understand that Nuts and Volts is ashamed to publish a "March/April" issue mid-may.
But what does it mean ?
Is it going so low that the editor does not want to be committed to any deadline for the publication of the next issue ?

Issue-3 should be May/June ( It is still written as a bi-monthly publication).
So Issue-3 should be here already.
At the end of the year, the number of issues will be counted. If it is les than 6, It will be a new sign
that Nuts and Volts is dying, and I will cancel my subscription, despite the good opinion I have of this publication.
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Re: Is Nuts and Volts dead ?

Post by AlcidePir2 »

We are now July 1 and still no Issue 3

Issue 1 was labelled January/February
for the second issue, published around May 15, N&V preferred to label it Issue-2, but still assert that the publication is bi-monthly. So we can assume that issue 2 is March/April.
Issue-3 should be May/June,
but now June is over. Do N&V intend to publish all the remaining issues in december ?
Sean Lemieux
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Re: Is Nuts and Volts dead ?

Post by Sean Lemieux »

Hello AlcidePir2, as mentioned before, there has been a few setbacks over here this year which caused some delays in the printing of magazines.

Our plan to get things back on schedule needs to allow each publication a fair amount of time in subscribers hands, as well as on newsstands and such so our advertisers get the attention they deserve. However, we are going to be releasing the next digital editions ahead of the print so the content is available. Issue 3 is planned to be released around the middle of this month, Issue 4 closer to the end of August, Issue 5 around Sep/Oct, and then try to get back on track. We sincerely apologize for this inconvenience and appreciate everyone's patience.
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Re: Is Nuts and Volts dead ?

Post by AlcidePir2 »

Dear Sean,

I really appreciate that you provide this schedule. I strongly wish that you will be able to follow the proposed plan and that N&V will continue to provide great content.

Best Wishes
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Re: Is Nuts and Volts dead ?

Post by solar3000 »

Wow this is sad. I remember when I was a boy. I used to read radio electronics. They used to sell it at all major book stores. It was a big deal when you wind your own coil for a shortwave transmitter. And the ages before that when building a radio receiver was something to be proud of. I remember when my mother took me to the radio repair man. No such thing anymore. If it doesn't work, it is impossible to fix it.
Now: privacy is dead.
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Re: Is Nuts and Volts dead ?

Post by Lenp »

Some more fuel for the fire...
Publishing and bindery services are rapidly declining. For years I have been performing maintenance for a large local bindery, They are cutting back the work week more often now because of no work. This is a ripple down from the printers, who also are also suffering. E-books, Kindle and their cousins have all punched a big hole in the printing business so the printing and binding costs increase because the overhead doesn't go down in proportion to the work load. Electronic related interest and material is in the pits, Less handbooks, guides and DIY articles are in the mainstream anymore.

We all remember HW Sams,Tab,Gernsback, McGraw Hill and how many book clubs. Seen any of them lately? Most libraries have outdated technical books but the best sellers are on eye level shelves or end caps. Need to look up something technical? Better to go to your https:/..... library

Kids today have little electrical or electronic education in school since many voc-ed programs dropped electronic technology programs. The STEM program is gaining ground but not where it once was. Are Kids too thick, teachers too disinterested, no funding, course too tough, no interest? You pick the reasons.
So maybe printed material is going down the tubes but consider this.
A family member works for Random House. Hundreds of thousands of books leave their warehouse daily, 7 days a week, Trailers lined up like a freight cars in a switch yard. 'Best Sellers' are tallied in the millions of copies, and Amazon is their star customer. So, what is being shipped? Mystery, romance, cooking, land of la stuff, biography's and children's books. Certainly not technical material.

So where do all these books come from. Many are from Electronic transmissions to overseas printers then boat loads of books come back. There are a few really large US printers but they lick the cream and over bid the skim. This makes it difficult to survive midstream in that business. About using glossy paper, pictures just look much better on it that on newsprint, and the advertiser and printers like it...enough said.

Hold on loyal readers, it might be a long and bumpy ride.

“To invent, you need a good imagination and a big pile of junk.” (T. Edison)
"I must be on the way to success since I already have the junk". (Me)
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Re: Is Nuts and Volts dead ?

Post by dacflyer »

pretty soon things will be like Star Trek. or other sci-fi shows, you don't see any paper on them shows.
as far as tech info,, it's hard enough to find what you need.
like every time i try to find a wiring diagram for a vehicle, it seems any site you google, it'll show a preview of the picture or diagram, but when you click to goto the site. a popup shows and wants you to reroute to a pay site. seems this way for a lot of items lately.
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