A Perpetual Motion Machine - March 2012

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Mike La Moreaux
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A Perpetual Motion Machine - March 2012

Post by Mike La Moreaux »

In the article, "Build a Little Electronic Mischief," I do not understand how the perpetual motion machine can work. First of all, it is not a homopolar motor, as stated. It involves two magnets, a permanent magnet and an electromagnet. Secondly, it should make at most a half rotation and then stop as the pole of the electromagnet of opposite polarity to the upward pole of the permanent magnet comes closest to the permanent magnet. In order to keep rotating it would require a commutator and thus be a conventional DC motor.
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Michael Kaudze
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Re: A Perpetual Motion Machine - March 2012

Post by Michael Kaudze »

Have you seen the video at http://noonco.com/perpetual/ ?
The monopole video was made for Nut's & Volts readers and those curious about free energy, monopolar magnets, and perpetual motion.
It was designed for the "April 1st issue." (April Fools day article.)
The little motor DOES work (though it is not TRUE perpetual motion), and it is a BLAST to build and own!
The output is VERY perplexing! But, the monopolar magnet trumpeted as the heart of the motor/generator is in fact just an ordinary neodymium magnet you can find anywhere.
If you'd like to build your own "monopolar" motor, as well as other fun April 1st projects to mystify your friends, just check with the folks at Nut & Volts for details.
I may also be able to eventually include the plans here as well!
Thanks for checking out the circuit.

And, happy first of April to all!

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Mike La Moreaux
Posts: 2
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Re: A Perpetual Motion Machine - March 2012

Post by Mike La Moreaux »

I did watch the video. Walt is a magician, of course. I am not saying that the motor does not work, only that I do not see what the theory of operation could be. I wonder how Walt came up with it. The only explanation that I can come up with is that the loose bearings interrupt the current in synch with the rotation.
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