ViewSonic TV/PC Monitors & Their Glass Screens

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ViewSonic TV/PC Monitors & Their Glass Screens

Post by fine-tune »

ViewSonic makes several LCD TV/PC Monitors with glass screens.
I might purchase their 24" model - VT2430.

If I could go to a retail store that sells this monitor, I don't think
I would be posting this message.

I emailed ViewSonic tech support with a question, as well as posting
on several humongous forums. No reply from ViewSonic or the other

All I want to know is how the glass is attached to the monitor.
Bonding it to the liquid crystal substrate would be best, but it
probably would add a few hundred dollars to the price.

A less costly but effective method would be to seal the glass
inside the frame with a tight fitting gasket. This would keep
dust and debris from getting behind the glass.

The thing I fear is a sheet of glass hung, clipped, or latched to
the monitor like a screen protector. If you don't know what
a screen protector is, consider yourself fortunate! I tried a
cheap and expensive screen protector. Crap was always
getting behind the protector and they never fit properly.

I read somewhere that ViewSonic sold more monitors in 2008
than any other manufacturer. If so, there must be someone
on the "world wide web" who can tell me about the glass screens
on these monitors.
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