telephone speakerphone

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telephone speakerphone

Post by garypcv »

good afternoon everyone...i need a supply house OR a schematic for a stand alone speakerphone. just something that can be next to phone and once phone is off cradle you can talk/listen. reason being, my dad uses hearing aid in both ears and must remove one while using phone. figured this would be ideal. answer phone when rings, put handset down, talk/listen (button is fine,duplex would be better) when done, hang up the phone.
any help would be GREATLY appreciated.../gary
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Re: telephone speakerphone

Post by josmith »

Why not just buy a speaker phone?
My father had the same problem along with the fact that he had to turn the tv up to where the windows rattled so he could hear it. I was contemplating intergrating wireless headphones with a cordless phone and mixing it with a mic in the room so that he could hear the phone ring and other sounds (like me trying to talk to him).
It would have been easy by using a pa amp with a three inputs and an off hook circutit to patch in the phone. His situation changed before i actually did it but he uses the wireless headphones and likes them.
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Re: telephone speakerphone

Post by philba »

I agree. Unless you really want to build a project for your dad, I'd just buy one. But be aware that most speaker phones are trash. Unless you are tight on money, I'd get the polycom soundstation (the funny triangular looking one). On ebay they are around 120-140 but they are great. the active echo cancellation is fantastic - it sounds like they are in the same room. <p>I guess I couldn't put a high enough price on being able to talk easily to my dad on the phone. sniffle...<p>Phil
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