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Voltage divider re-united

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2003 4:51 am
by iambrus
Hello there. It is only a theorycal question. Lets say I have 220V AC and I have got current feedback amplifiers only can handle up to 60Vs. A voltage divider could give me 4 times 60V not respectively to earth but to each others. I can get the amplifier gains and that I could increase voltage up to 220Vs. Now, I have 4 time 220Vs, in order to add up my current gains I should hook them up parallel, but how. Remember it was a Voltage divider.
Thank you for your brains storming.
All the best Ambrus

Re: Voltage divider re-united

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2003 4:55 am
by iambrus
OOOOOPS!!!!! 4 time 55Vs. 220/4 makes 55.

Re: Voltage divider re-united

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2003 9:58 am
by N9AOK
What???<p>I think I need a diagram to figure out what your trying to do?<p>Todd

Re: Voltage divider re-united

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2003 11:08 am
by russlk
What is 220VAC? Input signal or power supply or output signal? What does current mode amplifier have to do with it? What is the desired output?