Why no PIC GCC? Probably a combination of a number of factors.
First, one needs to seperate GCC from code generation. The reality is that the PIC line is hard to do a decent job of code gen for. Given their ridiculous architecture, it's a lot of work for even a fairly bloated result. The quality of a given GCC port is pretty much solely based on code gen. AVRs and others are much easier to do with decent results (though the AVR GCC is pretty bad compared to commercial AVR compilers).
Secondly, there are a number of decent PIC compilers with free(ish) options so there is less incentive to do a (hard) GCC port.
Finally, (opinion alert) most self respecting compiler writers look at the PIC as beyond butt-ugly and wouldn't want to touch it with a 10' pole. Snobbery? Sure. But when you are doing something for free, it's your right.
PIC's and C Where to Start
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