Ask about MSC Simulation softw & Where can I get it?

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Ask about MSC Simulation softw & Where can I get it?

Post by WKLIANG »

I am a University student from Malaysia. I need few engineering software for my study. Example: AUTODESK INVENTOR, CATIA, MSC VISUAL NASTRAN DESKTOP, MSC VISUAL NASTRAN 4D & etc. I try to search around the internet & I found that is a lot of website selling cheap software on internet. But which one can be be trust??? & I just cheated by them few week ago. For sure. I know most of the time the software is pirate one. But the software license is too expensive for a student & I only use this for study purposes. Anyone know which software seller can be trust, pls let's me know. If u think not suitable to post a reply here, u may direct reply to my email ([email protected]).

Is there have anyone here experience in MSC mechanical simulation software?? Example: MSC VISUAL NASTRAN DESKTOP,MSC VISUAL NASTRAN 4D & etc. Can I ask some more about this ???

Sorry about asking pirate things here. I have no choice because I really need this software to do mechanical simulation for my Biped Robot.

**Pls notify me if my post is not suitable for here. I will delete it immediate . But I think not only me interested to know the answer. Other people may also face the same problem as me. To design the robot, mechanical simulation software play the important role, it is impossible to use hand calculation that learn in school. Unfortunately, all those powerful mechanical simulation prices is really too expensive.**
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Post by haklesup »

I really wouldn't trust pirate S/W from anyone on the web. They just as well might be Phishing for my credit card number and address. If you do get to download something, its likely to be infested with spyware and viruses.

I'm suprised you can't just buy it on the street in KL. Can't really get that in S'Pore anymore either. I guess you have to go to Shanghai in person to pick up a copy. Ask the DVD pirates, they usually have a pile of S/W in another drawer. Better hurry, the pirate window is closing in China, maybe a few more years and you won't be able to get it there either.

I'm really not familiar with the Mechanical CAD programs you listed as this forum is predominately Electronic but in general, these vendors usually have student or demo versions with enough functionality for you to learn with but not enough to run a company. Did you try that, some companies limit downloads internationally, not sure what you found. What does your university bookstore have to sell.
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Post by WKLIANG »

Malaysia have selling pirate CD anywhere, but because of recently Malaysia government strictly prohibit selling pirate CD. Most of the Big Boss will not sell the CD direct in the shop. They commonly will choose those newest, famous or high demand software, make many many copy, then sell to the second seller. If anything happen, probably only the secondary seller will be caught. Even u ask the second seller, normally they will not tell you. If they tell u, u able to contact the Big Boss, most of time they don't care about u. Because they will not put them in the risk because of selling just few software for u. So if u want to find specific software in Malaysia, not that easy. Also even there is many university & collages in Malaysia, most of the their syllabus don't include CAE subject in their course. So cause here low demand on CAE software. So in secondary seller shop commonly can't find CAE software.

In Singapore I still haven try yet. I will try to ask my sister who working on Singapore as the mechanical engineer. But I don't put more hope on this because Singapore is quiet strict also.

About Shanghai, I think is to far already, no money to buy air ticket. I think I will try to ask the them through the China forums.

The MSC company don't offer any demo version. If have commonly will have many restriction. Example: 30 day trial period, can't save...etc.

If someone know where to get this kind of software. Pls le't me know. Because if don't have this I unable to do any static & dynamic walking test on my biped design. If just directly build without doing any simulation. I don't think it can walk stably. Also the walking gait also hard to define.
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Post by SETEC_Astronomy »

A quick google search for "open source cad program" returned many viable options. The open source counterparts to the mentioned aren't as fully featured but are functional and legally free to use and distribute. One site with many links to useful CAD programs is (<--- from google results page)

The following sites were all listed as open source alternatives to Autodesk which you specifically mentioned.

While I haven't read the full terms of use for these projects it should be obvious there are many options open to you that do not involve theft.
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Post by WKLIANG »

CAD software CATIA I still can get it from my school, since CAD is one of my university subject. So they have license to distribute for student use.

Only the CAE software. My school didn't have any subject related to CAE. But I think CAE is quit important. Because the robot have so many DOF, it is impossible to use hand calculation. Also calculation that we learn at school all is approximate answers. Not accurate at all.

If I can find the open source for CAE software. Also it able to fulfill all my requirement. For sure I will not use pirate software. But I don't think there have open source for CAE software that able to simulate the 3D mechanical structure and also do the dynamic walking & static walking test.
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Post by SETEC_Astronomy »

a few CAE related links, all open source ... D_CAM_CAE/

Sidenote: If I knew how the heck to use it CAElinux is something I just stumbled upon responding to this thread and it looks quite impressive.
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Post by haklesup »

MathCAD should be available to you for a student version also. Maybe by posting in those user forums, you can find a useful template or create your own. It at least should have the computational power you need if maybe too generic.

Probably can't pirate the good S/W anyway due to online activation requirements.

Another option is legitimate acidemic software websites You need to proove you are a student and I don't know if they ship to Malaysia. Maybe you can find a local equivelent. Student pricing: Mathcad $124, Civil engineering library $99 (Mathmatica is much more expensive)

eBay also has older versions of CAD from people who have upgraded or discontinued use and want to sell their old licence. Its hit or miss, it may not be there today but if you keep searching it may appear later.
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