Tuesday August 28

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Chris Smith
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Post by Chris Smith »

That’s nice of you to speak for me philba, but wrong as usual.

I didn’t mis read the date, I didn’t find one, as already mentioned.

Sorry, keep trying?

But I guess you got your yearly Nasa reading times in just now?

That’s a start.

Dave Dixon

As to the questions, I think you better stick to one, the "Plasmon" and lets see how you do.
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Dave Dixon
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Post by Dave Dixon »

Thanks Philba. You hit the nail smack on the head! That is EXACTLY why I have gone so far in this thread. I have cheerfully admitted that I was wrong often times on this message board, and in general thanked people for straightening me out. I offered up ten dollars of my hard earned money JUST to give us all the pleasure of hearing Chris do the same.
In the meantime Chris just posted a question for me. I must plead ignorance. I don't understand his question. It is one word, and surprisingly isn't followed by a question mark.
Please re-state your question Chris. For example "Do you know what a plasmon is?" "How many plasmons in a gallon?" or something that my limited intellegence can grasp.
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Chris Smith
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Post by Chris Smith »

I guess your reading skills are really down there with the rest of your replies.

But I wont repeat things a third time, what you should have read the first two times.

Senior Citizens need repeating often and I know, its one of my hobbies to take care of the old folks in this town.

Which one are you in the picture?

I see the word Plasmon is rocket science for you, oh well, keep trying to improve your IQ.

Hint, that rocket science part called the Led, go on, its easy to understand if you try.

In physics, the plasmon is the quasiparticle resulting from the quantization of plasma oscillations just as photons and phonons are quantizations of light ...

So how were they created in the LED did you say?

Why try to produce less of them and more of what?
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Post by haklesup »

Well, Chris, you had at least three options at the beginning

1. Be Gracious, say Oops and let it drop
2. Be silent, ignore it, we'll have a little fun then it will sink off the bottom of the page.
3. Choose to defend an obviously incorrect post. Whatever the reason, it's irrelevant now why the information was defective. It just was.

Most of us here would take responsibility for information we post but you seem to be blaming it on the few places you saw initially (or whomever told you). This isn't even a technical issue where you can drag up hand waving explanations and site dated experiences. It's as black and white as the ink on my calender and as big as the full moon in the sky.

It's not to o late to change to option 1 IMHO. A little humility goes a long way in earning respect from ones peers.

BTW, there was a good article on Plasmons in IEEE spectrum a few months ago. Changing the subject is a great technique for deflecting criticism but it dosen't seem to be working with us today.

On a side note, I missed the event only hearing of it the next day but big deal, we have an eclipse that lasts over 3 weeks every month of the year.

Nice PIX Dac!
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Dave Dixon
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Post by Dave Dixon »

I see the light now. I'm an idiot. You asked me a question on this thread twice now, but even after re-reading all of your responses I am too old and stupid to understand. BOY you have really made a contribution to this forum now. Thank you so much Chris Smith!
I'm sure EVERYONE else understood your question to me. I'm so sorry to be so old and stupid. Would someone else care to enlighten me on the question that Chris supposedly wanted for me to help him with?
BTW - If writing skills are any indicator of reading skills.... don't you dare try to elude that your reading skills even compare to mine.
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Chris Smith
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Post by Chris Smith »

Your options are for you, I already gave mine thanks.

Try reading it some time, It wont kill you.

And now that you know Dave, try answering it or just learning it, either way you win.
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Dave Dixon
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Post by Dave Dixon »

Here is the score.

Chris knows what a plasmon is, and I WAS too STUPID to know that he was asking me if I knew. He can have a point for that.

Chris was WRONG about the last lunar eclipse, and I wasn't. I'll take that point.


Another 10 bucks says that you can't simply agree to those 2 points above, and drop it for good.
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Chris Smith
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Post by Chris Smith »

As I said, I already answered mine, more than once.

Here is some light reading for you....

The efficiency of thin-film Si cells is even poorer than for wafer-thick Si cells. How to make the cells cheap (using thin films) but also nicely absorptive is an important goal. Scientists at the University of New South Wales in Australia have now enhanced the absorption of sunlight using surface plasmons.

When light strikes a metal sample it can initiate electrical disturbances in the surface, either as localized excitations called surface plasmons or as moving waves called surface plasmon polaritons. The plasmons can be considered as a sort of proxy for the light, except at a shorter wavelength.

If, moreover, the plasmon energy can be efficiently collected and transferred to an underlying waveguide as part of a solar cell, then the cells’ yield can grow

You can learn something new every day.
Robert Reed
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Post by Robert Reed »

"Which one are you in the picture?"
Actually,I have seen this picture before.It was taken at one of chrises family reunions. Chris is the one on the far left. He was asked by the others to explain Ohms law. Hes scratching his head because he is trying to remember just exactly what that was. Alzheimers is a terrible thing.
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Dave Dixon
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Post by Dave Dixon »

I thought that I had posted my last post in this thread.... BUT I did a search and discovered that Chris did ask a question about plasmons in a different thread. HEY CHRIS YOU IDIOT>>>> You asked LenP that particular question. NOT ME!

I'm right YET AGAIN

Should I offer up 20 bucks to get you to admit it???? Nah, I'm already wasting my precious time just posting this. Last word from me.... You have been proven wrong twice in this one measly thread. Your credibility has sunk yet another notch.

With all due respect to the rest of this forum,
I've never resorted to put-downs before, and will try to refrain in the future - THAT just felt too good to take back!
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Chris Smith
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Post by Chris Smith »

Seen one clique you have talked to them all.

I just address Philba and I know your right there, one in the same.

And you act like I only addressed one person, actually it was two but that didn’t include the talking clique.

And with out going back and looking Im sure you tried to ask me a question that was third grade or even second....

So naturally I let you have the stage, in a simple subject like physics.

Any one here can better them self, just read and learn.

If you fell asleep on your thumbs, don’t groan when some one wakes you up.


A plasmon is the name given to photons that are trapped at the surface of metals and localized on the nanoscale.

And remember if you can go that far back in time, the “Plasma and the LEDâ€
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Chris Smith
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Post by Chris Smith »

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Post by ringo47stars »

I didn"t get any advanced news of an eclipse and was wondering why the moon was darkened until i read something about an eclipse and hey it looked just like the darkened moon i observed. I watched some feeble attempt at a meteor shower that i did get news of before it happened but no news of the eclipse before it happened. :evil:
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Chris Smith
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Post by Chris Smith »

Im like you, last week they mentioned all sorts of things, but no actual times?

Just the date of Tuesday. [Three pages of nothing]

Also they mentioned two weeks ago about the meteor shower, but that was a dud.

Only Three good rocks?

Im sure If you were watching things every day, some where they said it was on this exact time, they just forgot to mention it last week?
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