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PIC's for stepper motor drive.

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2004 3:27 pm
by Bert Russell
Being new to Programming, I am wondering if a Pic 16F84 is adequate for operating a stepper motor? The 18C452 chip which Microchip reccomends, is a monster, and far more than I would think would be required. I have the Picstart Plus programmer that Microchip sells, but the complications involved in building a PC board to carry that chip and operate the motor, seems like a lot more than necessary for my little project. Anyone? Thank you. Bert Russell.

Re: PIC's for stepper motor drive.

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2004 10:06 pm
by bodgy
yes it would be, though I'd recommend getting a more recent Pic (if you need to buy one) such as the 628, 630 819 series. These all have a PWM module making it easier to drive your steppers, but so long as you can write the code the 84 will do fine.<p>Have a look at the code on the square-1 book site, though naturally as they would prefer you to buy their book, the code can be a bit difficult to decipher if you're new to Pics.<p>Colin