IS, WAS and maybe

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IS, WAS and maybe

Post by hlreed »

Let node have I,R as inputs and Out as output.
M is an internal variable.<p>IS is Out = I if I = R else Out = 0
WAS is Out = If I = R, M = I, Out = M<p>Truth table M is 0
0 0 0 0
0 1 0 0
1 0 0 0
1 1 1 1
0 0 0 1
0 1 0 1
...<p>Let A and B be events or objects
AISB = A is B
AWASB = A was B
MAYBE = AISB is AWASB<p>If A was B and A is B then A willbe B<p>Is that enough for a robot to predict?
Harold L. Reed
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Re: IS, WAS and maybe

Post by dyarker »

A politcal MAYBE gate doesn't listen to inputs :D
Dale Y
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Re: IS, WAS and maybe

Post by hlreed »

Is that a yes, no, maybe, don't know, don't care or other answer. I know from the face that it is supposed to be funny. That however is the only indicator.
Harold L. Reed
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Re: IS, WAS and maybe

Post by dyarker »

Sorry, from the var names and redundant equates I thought you were being humorous. Some kind of philosophical puzzle.
--------------------------------------<p>In "WAS is Out = If I = R, M = I, Out = M"
It looks like Out = I in any case. And, the var name WAS implies memory where the previous Out is stored in a flip-flop or RAM location.
Like ie:
WAS = true if (previous Out = true) logical AND (current Out = false)
STILL = true if (previous Out = true) logical AND (current Out = true)
NEW = true if (previous Out = false) logical AND (current Out = true)<p>Recursively applying the algorithm to itself, as in "If A was B and A is B then A willbe B" is unstable because it looks like part of the input is it's own output. A third var might help.
<blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">code:</font><hr><pre>
read B
if A was B and A is B then C = 1
if C = 1 then
if STOP = 1 then
exit DO
store C to A
"Is that enough for a robot to predict?"<p>It is a guess based on a trend. If it is "enough for a robot to predict" depends on what the robot is doing, and how fast it is doing it. ie in a line follower, I(the robot) WAS turning half right AND current sensor reading says more right = turn full right; might be enough. To predict would take another sensor that looks forward of current sensor. ie I WAS turning half right AND current sensor reading says more right BUT look-ahead sensor says line straightens = so continue with half right turn. Max successfull robot speed depends how far the look-ahead is, and how fast the processor is. Some fuzzy logic simulated in programming would be ... interesting.<p>C U L<p>P.S. I appologize again. I really thought your first post looked like a trick question puzzle, and not a serious question. Maybe a little more detail would help. Like what are I and R???
Dale Y
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Re: IS, WAS and maybe

Post by hlreed »

That is better.
Note that all these equations are separate computers. Each equation is a computer.
I and R are internal names of the inputs of all nodes. I've been on here so long I thought everyone knew that.<p>AISB = A IS B
AWILLBE = AISB IS AWASB<p>The code for was is:<p>WasNode
M = 0
Read I
Read R
IF I = R Then M = I ;M is set by condition
Out = M ;Out is always M
Write Out
GOTO Loop<p>ISNode
Read I
Read R
IF I = R Then Out = I else Out = 0
Write Out
Harold L. Reed
Microbes got brains
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