Black Magic...Maybe

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Black Magic...Maybe

Post by Lenp »

I have a Dell laptop, (Inspiron 3505) that has been cranky from day one. Most of the issues have been resolved, no thanks to Dell, except for one.

The touchpad is buggy! It often will not respond to taps, it's sluggish yet causes cursor jumps, and has a ton of other ills. Despite any settings and driver changes, it was still was a maddening experience. Tryingto do anything with CADD software was near suicidal!

But, a while back I found a post, and you know what they can be like, that suggested the touchpad frame may be improperly or erratically grounded, and static charge may be the issue. They added a wire jumper from the metal touchpad frame to another ground, and claimed that cured it.

Last week, I had the system open to change a loose charger jack and while it was open I added that jumper just to see what happens.
Well, I have been able to reduce the touchpad sensitivity setting from the most sensitive to medium and the touch pad behaves like never before.
Black Magic, bad JuJu, Dell's sloppy design/assembly? Who cares, It far! Just maybe the poster will show up again and I can thank them.

So if you have a fairly new Dell laptop with touchpad buggs, a 3" piece of wire MIGHT work the same magic that made mine into a new machine!


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Re: Black Magic...Maybe

Post by dacflyer »

Gotta tame those silly wild electrons.. glad it worked..
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Janitor Tzap
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Re: Black Magic...Maybe

Post by Janitor Tzap »


Got to wonder how many good engineers we're told; "Don't worry about static, just make it as cheap as possible." by the Higher-Up's.
Since they're thinking that the Laptops would be replaced by businesses in two or three years any way.
Or the thinking of fixing it in the next revision of the Laptop.

In the consumer market, people would hold on to that Laptop longer then that, and opt to do some upgrades to it.
Then going out and replacing the old Laptop.

Signed: Janitor Tzap
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