Build a CPLD Based Computer

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Build a CPLD Based Computer

Post by djbcoffee »

Hello everybody.

This project started with the question "Can you fit a functional CPU core into a small to mid-size CPLD?" I had seen some small cores in CPLDs around the web but I was left wondering could these small cores really function in real-world applications? I wanted to learn to build my own simple core from scratch so I set out to answer the question.

When it was all said and done, and the dust settled, the CPLD-5 Computer had been born. This computer contains the following sub-projects:
NanoCore - A processor core that is designed to be implemented with minimal logic resources
QVIC DIP Module - Quarter VGA video interface controller
PS/2 Interface Chip DIP Module - Transceiver for PS/2 keyboards and mice
IOPA Dip Module - Input/output port adapter

All of the VHDL source is on the website along with schematics, gerber files, bill of materials, user manuals, an assembler for the NanoCore (C source files included), and even a Notepad++ User Defined Language file for the NanoCore assembly. All of the projects can be accessed via the following link:

I had a lot of fun putting all of this together through the years and watching it come to life. Check it out and enjoy! :grin:
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