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USB Volume and Mute Controller

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 7:29 pm
by rdzioba
Some thoughts if anyone wants to build the USB Volume and Mute Controller and doesn't want to make a board or use perfboard. The ATMega8U2 from Atmel is compatible with the AT90USB162 chip used in the article. I noticed that Sparkfun ( sells a "breakout" board for the ATMega8U2 - part number DEV-10277. It looks like their board could be trimmed to fit into the enclosure specified in the article or a slightly larger box could be chosen (maybe put two encoders - volume/mute and track fwd/rev + stop). Just some ideas.

Re: USB Volume and Mute Controller

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 7:18 pm
by stldrock
Thanks for the article. I'm really using it to do my first surface mount project. Any chance you could provide the square PCB layout in some format? Eagle or Diptrace? I'm struggling a little on getting things laid out.

Re: USB Volume and Mute Controller

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 7:58 pm
by rdzioba
I've had a few requests for a layout. I used a really old and not supported product called "IVEX" to do the layout. So the actual files aren't of any use to anyone. Therefore, I have printed the board to PDF. Two files are attached:
- Board layout - mirror image so that you can use toner transfer sheets directly from the printout because the tracks are on the top of the PCB and not the bottom.
- Parts layout - to give you an idea of what part goes where.

When you print the PCB, make sure that PDF Page Scaling is set to "none". The dimensions should be 1.7" x 1.7".


Re: USB Volume and Mute Controller

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 6:52 am
by stldrock
Thank you Robert!