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laser sensor/detecter

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2002 11:53 am
by billdar
Hello All.<p>I am looking for a laser sensor/detector that works similar to an IR detector.<p>I am using it in several projects that I've used IR in (like comm. hardware, laser tag w/electrostatic discharge notifiyer) and want the coherence and intensity of laser light (to fight ambient interference)<p>The stuff I've seen so far are rigged solar cells (expensive) or photo-resist cells. IR detectors won't pick up the short laser wavelengths. Unless they make IR lasers?<p>Anyhow, info would be much appreciated. <p>ps. I am already modulating the signal @ ~33kHz to avoid ambient light, but need/want more distance and coherency.

Re: laser sensor/detecter

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2002 11:53 pm
HI THERE<p>I setup my he-ne 300mw laser to alarm the perimeter of a construction site one time using the rcvr unit of one of those breaker beam door alarms you see entering a 7-11. My unit had a variable sensetivity adj, and with front side mirrors (3)on corners, w/total appx 500' distance, it worked great. I probablly could have cleared 1000' more.<p>Moveme

Re: laser sensor/detecter

Posted: Sat Jun 22, 2002 1:18 pm
by Chris Smith
300 milli watt? Thats enough power to go to mars and back, two or three times! <p>Are you Sure its not 3 milli? <p>My 17 milliwatt goes about 100 miles, piece of cake. Sets off detectors at 40 miles, and more.