Is RadioShack that confused?

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Re: Is RadioShack that confused?

Post by MrAl »

Bigglez wrote:
Robert Reed wrote: WOW- I am impressed at all that great detective work. For someone bashing MrAl and his time
wasting efforts, you sure do seem to have a lot of time on your hands!
I'm not bashing MRAL. Why would you think that?
He is a perfect example of why you don't want to upgrade
the staff at a Radio Shack.

Interestingly, he's stated in an earlier PM that he doesn't
read my posts, so why all the fuss?

Anyone that wants to do wet PCB chemistry 'for fun', I
say good luck to them. I tried it. I spend hundreds of hours
and hundreds of dollars, and I suck at it.
First off, i dont know why you say some of the things you do when proof of the
contrary is in your very own posts. If i didnt read any of your posts i couldnt
have responded to several in the VERY recent past and if you didnt know that you
couldnt have responded to THOSE responses, but you did respond, thus you
KNOW that i read your posts, yet you say something about me not reading
any of your posts. Just doesnt make sense.

Second, what is this about upgrading the staff at Radio Shack and why
use me as an example? I can see from most of your posts and other
that you dont know me very well, and you certainly seem to be acting
a bit judgmental here.

Wouldnt it be better to simply NOT bring particular people into a discussion
especially when the sole purpose seems to be to put them down in some

SETEC and Robert:
I bought a new iron at RS not too long ago and i was very pleased with it. Cost about
8 dollars US, and it works quite well (40 watts). The tip wore down quite fast but
that is typical of copper tips i think. I made a steel tip that should last a long time
and also reduce the heat a little for ic chips and stuff like that.
I also bought their helping hands with magnifier and iron stand and it works nice too.
Very handy to have around.
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Re: Is RadioShack that confused?

Post by CeaSaR »


As to my last post, all was in response to the queries asked previously, of me. I tried to be
as succinct as possible, yet still ran a bit long.

As for how pointed the reply was toward RS, only the first section regarding the independent
store was related. The rest was a broad spectrum reply to sales and customers in general.

To your replies re: my last post, exactly. Thank you very much.

Now, back to the original intent of this thread, I, too, have poked fun at RS from time to time
(see my first 2 posts in this thread). I also frequent them about 3-5 times a year, maybe more.
Last purchase was for my son's mic pre-amp. Before that it was for his kill-switch. And before
that, I don't exactly remember. I did, however, buy a new soldering iron kit from them a while
back as I couldn't find my original. Of course, about a month after I found it. It's good to have
at least one backup iron. I buy from them when I need to. I also buy from catalogs as well.

Radio Shack has followed the times and that allows them to survive. I hope they continue to do
well. Where else can you buy bits and pieces that you need AND have a little fun at the same time?

Hey, what do I know?
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Re: Is RadioShack that confused?

Post by Bob Scott »

MrAl wrote:First off, i dont know why you say some of the things you do when proof of the
contrary is in your very own posts.

Second, what is this about upgrading the staff at Radio Shack and why
use me as an example? I can see from most of your posts and other
that you dont know me very well, and you certainly seem to be acting
a bit judgmental here.

Wouldnt it be better to simply NOT bring particular people into a discussion
especially when the sole purpose seems to be to put them down in some
I don't know about you guys but I've had ENOUGH of this TWIT.

In this thread alone, he's insulted every other poster. I think we should all PM or email Michael and petition him to change Bigglez password so the caustic chap can't log in.

Look at this link from an entirely different forum if you are still hesitant:

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Re: Is RadioShack that confused?

Post by philba »

Please, let's drop the name calling.

As some of us "old timers" know, it takes a lot to get tossed off this board. I don't think Biglez has even come close. He does contribute in a number of valuable ways.
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Re: Is RadioShack that confused?

Post by Robert Reed »

"I don't think Biglez has even come close."

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Re: Is RadioShack that confused?

Post by reloadron »

This thread began as what I assumed was a simple fun poke at Radio Shack and evolved into some sort of forum flame fest. That is tragic. I moderate in several forums where there is a need to post and adhere to strict forum rules. There should be no need for that in a forum of this nature with a mature and well educated membership.

This forum has what? Six topics to post in. Possibly beyond the General Section another section could be added for off topic discussion, unrelated to trons. An off topic section allows for open friendly discussion of topics extending beyond our tron world.

The following is just my humble opinion:

When this thread began to drift "off topic" moderation should have brought the topic back into focus. When individuals persist with off topic post they should receive a friendly PM from a forum moderator reminding them it is unwise to start a flame fest and further post off topic will be removed and additionally a possible ban from the forum.

Now as to a ban. User passwords are not changed. PHP forums allow for a ban panel available to moderators. Individual user accounts can be banned for any period of time ranging from days to permanent for those who choose not to follow forum rules and etiquette. Following a ban period a member can choose to return or not. The point is the rules will be followed for the good of the forum membership. One would think in a smaller fun forum like this that spelled out rules aren't necessary?

Another option available to moderation is to simply close the thread. When a thread drifts too far off topic and things begin to slowly take on an ugly tone then the thread is simply closed and "locked". Additionally when a thread has run its course be it questions answrered or whatever, the thread has served its purpose and can be locked. This prevents the dredging up of old or ancient threads or what I call the Lazarus effect when a thread is brought back from the dead. A merit to locked threads is spam prevention.

Incidently this forum has done a great job of reducing spam. Most spam bots look at forum sections. This forum has as I mentioned six sections. A spam bot does not look at each section title it looks at in this case 1 through 6 and will generally spam the lowest or next to lowest section by number. This is likely why the Computers section recently took a beating. Closed or "locked" threads can't be spammed leaving the bot fewer choices.

Now as to Bigglez. There is no written rule saying what is or is not permissable in this forum as to posting. There is nothing about using good taste in post or personal attacks on other forum members (including moderators) being prohibited. That alone opens the door to what I call flame fest. Yes, in my opinion (and we know what can be said about opinions) some of the post were in poor taste and bordered on what we call "baiting" and that is when things should have been addressed. That is when this thread should have been locked. It ends right there.

Moderators have the final say on how things are addressed, how threads run and who if anyone deserves a ban for any reason. Moderators should also avoid confrontation with any member in the open forum. That is a prime use for a gentle PM as I mentioned earlier. This precludes things going where this thread has managed to go. The old nip it in the bud thing.

I have no clue how Michael has this forum structured or what privledges his moderators are afforded, I base my thoughts and opinions only on several forums I am familiar with. I really like and enjoy this forum because of a diverse and well educated membership. This is a place where rules should not really be needed beyond basic rules and common sense.

Just My Take
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Re: Is RadioShack that confused?

Post by sofaspud »

Each forum post is only text, yet there will always be a personality
behind it (mega- or micro- prefix notwithstanding). I prefer that there
not be urgent policing of threads, but instead members ignore that
which deserves to be ignored.
This thread did begin as a fun poke at RS, but "Rat Shack" gained a
sale from it. I'm going to purchase one of their desoldering irons.
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Re: Is RadioShack that confused?

Post by SETEC_Astronomy »

sofaspud wrote:This thread did begin as a fun poke at RS, but "Rat Shack" gained a
sale from it. I'm going to purchase one of their desoldering irons.
That's funny, a good choice though. It's one handy tool for the price. I just hope you like it as much as Robert and I do.
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Re: Is RadioShack that confused?

Post by philba »

Robert Reed wrote:Philba
"I don't think Biglez has even come close."

I'm assuming that your comment is disagreement with my point. If it's not, what the heck are you trying to say?

Trust me, we don't want to start kicking people off this board with out extreme provocation. Snide comments, gratuitous snipes and general disagreement just aren't enough. If it were my board, I'd create a clear policy and stick to it. I'm on boards that kick people off at the drop of a hat - it quashes free exchange of opinions. I rather like spirited debate.
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Re: Is RadioShack that confused?

Post by MrAl »

Hi philba,

Im sure Robert was questioning your judgement regarding a few things. I think you
may have just missed reading a few posts in the past, that's all.

I am not an advocate of pushing people off of message boards either but sometimes somebody
has got to say something to people that routinely disrespect other members. Maybe some
kind of temporary ban? One week, then two weeks, then four weeks, etc. Just an idea.

I dont think you would like it very much if i said in a public forum that YOU would be
a nightmare to deal with if you were a Radio Shack sales attendant, even though
you are fair and pretty nice to people in general and even have rather high ethics
when it comes to sales and things of that nature. Or even worse, how would you
feel if i said that your posts are too long and put you down about that (as if that
is even an issue in the first place)?

I think if you were the subject of the regular harassment you would have a very
different opinion. You would want to see something done about it wouldnt you?

Just to sum up:
"Intellect must be moderated with compassion"
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Re: Is RadioShack that confused?

Post by Robert Reed »

Egoism is NOT an asset. Hypochrism is NOT an asset. The combination of the two is certain to stick in peoples craws!
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Re: Is RadioShack that confused?

Post by philba »

If egotism were reasonable grounds for banning, then this place would be pretty barren. Hypocrisy - well, it's not desirable but it's not exactly a punishable offense.

I agree that Mr B can be over the top and pretty infuriating at times but banning him? I think that's too much.

I just think that we have to be careful when setting precedent. Our old friend Chris persisted well beyond my tolerance threshold. I look at the behavior of the 2 individuals and find that Mr B isn't even close to Mr C's. Just because some one is a Pain In The *ss doesn't mean we should ban him. C'mon guys let's have a little balance here.
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Re: Is RadioShack that confused?

Post by Robert Reed »

Point well taken.
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Re: Is RadioShack that confused?

Post by jwax »

Philba said,
I rather like spirited debate.
Me too. We could use a few more wackos on this board. Fun to watch.
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