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Re: This months Smiley's article

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 12:50 pm
by RiJoRi
Chupa wrote:Smiley's article in this months is about makeing a Nav menu in C. He joked in the article saying that some users would probably laugh at his method of using a state machine and a ton of switch statements which made me wonder if theirs a better way to do it, even if it is more complex.
There is. I just looked at it again. I did NOT write this, and it is just code fragments.

Code: Select all

struct dtable
            unsigned char len;
			char word[3];
        } bytes;
        unsigned long bits;
    void (*func)();

#define ENTRIES 5
/* All the names (dot, store, etc. are the names of functions which must be added. */
struct dtable dictionary[ENTRIES] =
    {1, '.',  0 ,  0 , dot   },    /*  1 */
    {1, '!',  0 ,  0 , store },    /*  2 */
    {1, '@',  0 ,  0 , at    },    /*  3 */
    {1, '?',  0 ,  0 , query },    /*  4 */
    {1, '+',  0 ,  0 , plus  }     /*  5 */

void main(void)
    unsigned long ident;
    unsigned int match,error;
    unsigned int i,j;
    struct dtable scratch;

	tok = strtok(str," ");
        if (tok)
        = (unsigned char) strlen(tok);
	                for (i=0; i<3; i++)
               [i] = (char)tolower(tok[i]);
        	      [i] = 0;
		        ident =;
		        match = 0;
/* The non-switch function selector */
	                for (i=0; i<ENTRIES && !match; i++)
                    		if (ident == dictionary[i].id.bits)
                        		match = 1;
/* More code was here */

	            } while ((tok = strtok(NULL," ")) && !error);
I think I prefer switch statements!

FWIW, Python (unlike some modern BASICs) does not have a switch-type statement; it has an "elif" keyword for the same effect.
