Old technology but...importing of WAV files not working...

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Old technology but...importing of WAV files not working...

Post by ModRob »

I have an aging multi-track audio recorder (Fostex VF16) that is still doing a great job for me (so why upgrade?? haha) and as long as it continues to work for my needs, I'm happy.
However, I've gotten to an area now where I want to import someone else's audio WAV files into my unit, so I can further work from that point. AND it's not working... Since it's older technology, I've found little answers for it out in Google land and other associated forums.
Early promo writeups and manual list the process as one of the features. But, the manual is not exactly clear in many areas, as I've witnessed from the accounts of so many others over the years...let me explain a little now in detail:

The last and final OS update to the unit was made several years ago, and that enabled the unit to then be paired up with a Plextor CD burner/player unit (only a few specific models were ok'd) that would then give the user the ability to burn normal CDs, burn all files of a song as a backup with the Fostex proprietary software, or SAVE all the files in WAV form to a CD. (earlier versions only allowed for use of a Jazz drive) The Plextor is connected via SCSI cable.
Now, I can SAVE PGM all individual instrument files as WAVs to a CD, I can backup all files with the Fostex software to a CD with no problems. I can then put those particular CDs back into the Plextor, and LOAD PGM the files back into the Fostex with no issues.
BUT, no matter what I've tried (and a stack of CDs to boot) I cannot get the VF to import any WAV files burned to a CD...always ends up kicking out the CD with an "ACC ERROR".
The manual talks about the specific naming of each file, and I've followed these directions with as many deviations possible, in case I was missing the meaning of a specific. All I can surmise is the statement that the CD has to be formatted with FAT16. Now THAT is greek to me, as my computer has the Vista OS, and I think I vaguely remember in past years something about moving from FAT16 to FAT32 and then beyond. I'm also thinking that with VISTA, I cannot format in the requested way. (only options I see listed in any windows that come up are "live" or "master"; or in another window, it offers a choice of four UDF types.

Could this be the reason (disc not proper to start with) I can't get the unit to import the files?

One post I read from a few years ago mentioned something about using NERO to make it happen, and something about DATA--not sure if he was talking about DATA CDs or something else...

I had asked the folks at Fostex a few months back, but their wording seemed like a "deer in the headlights" answer about it couldn't be done, and that there was probably no one around at present that remembered the technology of it way back then...

Any ideas from anyone? I just can't seem to let this go....seems as if it should be so simple...
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Re: Old technology but...importing of WAV files not working.

Post by CeaSaR »

Sounds like the problem is incompatibility between the Fostex requirements (FAT16) and Vista (only goes down to FAT32, IIRC). Can you import .WAV files from the hard drive itself?

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Re: Old technology but...importing of WAV files not working.

Post by ModRob »

No, don't think I can. Only way is to go via the SCSI cable into the unit, from the Plextor CD unit. Again, I've found another post or two out in netland that speak of importing WAVs as normal operation for them, but these posts are a few years old, and I doubt I'd be able to connect with anyone specific about HOW they managed it.

I did see where another person offered that the WAVs had to be burned in "ISO 9660 format" and not the UDF. And again programs like Nero were mentioned, and at a DATA burn (couldn't tell if it should be a DATA CD or my normal
audio ones I use)
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Re: Old technology but...importing of WAV files not working.

Post by cae2100 »

from what they were talking about imo was that you needed to just burn it as a standard data cd, not as audio cd, usually just using nero to burn as a data cd, then add the wav files is what it sounds like you need to do. Most of the time, when you burn cds, it's set in the iso9660 format unless you change it manually. If nothing else works, maybe try just selecting the contents of the folder (the wav files) and just burning them through windows' built in cd burner since it's kinda stuck in the iso9660 mode as long as it's set to finalize the cd and so you cant add more files later.

Another thing you can check is if you need to burn it as joliet format, it's an extension of iso9660 but sometimes something odd like that might actually do what you need it to do.
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Re: Old technology but...importing of WAV files not working.

Post by CeaSaR »

Couple of links:

https://search.yahoo.com/search;_ylt=Am ... t-250&fp=1

http://yourprosoft.blogspot.com/2010/08 ... -9660.html

What comes to mind is that this hardware needs old style software to run, so you have to make sure that the naming conventions conform to the old style as well. That means you probably should rename other people's .WAV files to shorter Win95 type names, 8-16 characters max., standard 3 place extensions, i.e. rename "Bass line left 01 overdub.wav" to "BASSLINELT01.WAV or BASSLT01.WAV . No strange characters, keep to alphanumeric and underscore (_) for names. Then burn as data using ISO 9660 format and finalize the disc or close the session.

Try that once and see what happens. What's one more disc after all those you've used already? Should that still not work, perhaps you can find a legacy system that runs Win98 SE at maximum. Tie that into a network so you can have more storage than what is available to the legacy system.

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Re: Old technology but...importing of WAV files not working.

Post by ModRob »

Thanks so much guys...good info. I have found a bit more too.
I downloaded a program called BurnAware (free, as the Nero just seemed SO expensive for what little I needed--but then again, if it
cures the problem and eliminates the headaches, then it just might be worth it..haha)
It is able to burn in the ISO 9660 format as well as other options...But I did have SOME success yesterday by using it, and that's pretty good, since I was having NO success earlier...The Fostex VF16 recording unit was able to "see" the disc, but gave me odd elements to choose from. The disc had maybe 8 files on it. When it works as it should, it's supposed to let me select ALL or INdividual files, and then bring them all into the program number that I select. What happened so far is, through scrolling, it would list each file, as I had named it (PRETTY01.WAV through 02, 03, etc.) but even though I could select ALL to LOAD, it would only load ONE file, the one I happened to have showing on the screen at the time. So, then I checked the Program, hit PLAY, and one track did load, onto Track one. I hit PLAY, and it played back. So, then I tried to LOAD PGM again, and selected another file, thinking if I had to, I'd just have to do each file separately. Somehow I was able to get another file to load on Track 2, and both Played back. BUT, any further tries and the disc kept kicking out with the usual ACC ERROR again. Made a couple more attempts with new discs, changing name of each file, and something else I can't remember, but made no progress.
To cap that session off though, when I played back three tracks I managed to LOAD, they played in time with each other, BUT THEY WERE ALL SLOWER THAN THE ORIGINALS...(hmmmmmm????)
Went to WallyWorld to pick up a new stack of CDs last night, and today I'm about ready to start again.

I do know that Fostex also specified the naming had to six characters, and if I read it right, followed by the two digits for the Track of the particular instrument (ex. PRETTY01.WAV) and had to be named WAV before the Fostex would be able to see it.
Couple of other concerns about this burner program...it only lets me choose MAX or I think 48x (if I remember correctly). I'm wondering if the speed has something to do with it? Also, the program has the options of the ISO 9660 alone, or with the Joliet thing. I'm going to try the Joliet option as CAE2100 suggested above.
Will post back later on what I find, and keep those ideas and comments coming. Thanks and more thanks to you.
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Re: Old technology but...importing of WAV files not working.

Post by CeaSaR »

I seriously think that the problems you are having are with the OS (Vista) rather than the hardware. If you are using the same optical drive to burn and read the discs, then it should be able to read what it wrote. Period. And just like another thread on here, since it is all digital, there should be no messing about with the quality, speed, or volume of the data file. That should all be controlled by the software.

When you loaded the necessary software onto the computer, did the basic layout of the software change? I.e., was it different looking from what you were used to? And did you go through all the settings to make sure everything matched?

It truly sounds like settings are incompatible the way things are currently set up. Take an hour or two to go through all the menus (for both the Fostex and Vista) and make sure you have all settings sync'd up.

That's what I have at the moment. Good luck.

Hey, what do I know?
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