Build to order (or swap)

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Build to order (or swap)

Post by Engineer1138 »

The discussion surrounding the timer question made me think.<p>There are probably a lot of people out there who want small items that would take an experienced hobbyist/engineer/experimenter just an hour or so to do, but these people don't know how to contact such a person.<p>For software, there are sites like or where you can go for cheap custom work, but I am not aware of anything for hardware. Maybe we can convince the powers that be at Nuts&Volts to set up a bulletin board where people can ask to have hardware from N&V articles built and say what they're willing to pay for it!
I'm not talking about industrial strength, fully engineered hardware devices (that I will happily do at my $75/hour rate :D ), but rather simple projects with point-to-point wiring, that the builder is doing for fun or to help someone out for a bit more than the cost of parts.<p>What do you guys think of this idea?
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Re: Build to order (or swap)

Post by jwax »

As you've noticed, I'm all for the idea! :D
And you're correct in seeing the market for small hardware projects that are sometimes too much or untimely for some people to build themselves!
Count me in!
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Re: Build to order (or swap)

Post by dacflyer »

i need 217 , 5mm holes drilled in a 14" X 14" metal plate....but i cannot afford the 350.00 CNC
any CNC'ers out there?
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Re: Build to order (or swap)

Post by jwax »

dacflyer- laser cutter here.
What metal? How thick? What precision is needed in hole placement, and finally, are the holes in a repeatable pattern? I'll be glad to quote you! Am I correct in assuming this is a one-piece project?
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Re: Build to order (or swap)

Post by haklesup »

Usually, I've seen others post such requests right here in this section of the BBS and such requests have been warmly recieved. Though, I don't know if anyone ever has in fact done a design for barter or money due to a hookup here. <p>So long as these requests come at the same pace, I don't see a need for a new forum section as it would not have many posts. <p>BUT, Such a new section might stimulate additional semi-commercial posts that would not ordinarily be posted in this section. Such a fourm might be called "Tech Wanted" or "classifieds" (that might invite the wrong kind of posts though). I'm open to other names, any suggestions?<p>What do you suppose the boundries be for the posts? People looking for cheap design or assembly help, people offering like technical services and offers to buy or sell relevant tech hardware. <p>This last part troubles me as it may invite excess ad's for stuff we don't want. Not to mention the N&V advertizing dept may see that as unneeded competition to what they are selling in the print magazine. (face it, we all like those ads, they educate us, keep the subscription rate from climbing and fund this forum in part)<p>Anyway, that's what I think......
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Re: Build to order (or swap)

Post by jwax »

haklesup- I see your point. In many ways, the service has been and is, right here, all along. Most folks probably think of this forum, as I had thought, as just an information swap, not a hardware outlet! But, we're growing! Keep those projects coming! :D
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Re: Build to order (or swap)

Post by toejam »

I can buy a scribe, a square, a centerpunch,a hammer, a drill press, and a 5 mm drill for about 200.00. all made in China of course.
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Re: Build to order (or swap)

Post by dacflyer »

Jwax >>
the holes are in a precise pattern...
metal is aluminum,,and bout 1/8th thick..
if you like to e-mail me i can reply with a foto..then we can go from there..i can send you also a not so perfect prototype..
i tried to drill one myself...but didn't come out lined up too good...i prepunched but the drilling went awry somehow...i look foward to your reply.
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Re: Build to order (or swap)

Post by Mike »

while we're on the topic, anybody here have access to a pcb machine to be able to make me a few each of a few boards for very cheap? Although it would be nice, silkscreen isn't needed. Most of the boards are single sided. i don't think any are double sided.<p>Thanks!
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Re: Build to order (or swap)

Post by dacflyer »

mike >> check out
they are running specials for small stuff..they even give you free software to use.t0 design your own stuff...i might can help out as well.
their software lets you make schematics and pcb layouts up to 4 layers
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Re: Build to order (or swap)

Post by Engineer1138 »

I was thinking it would be strictly limited to *simple* assembly/design help. There are already many sites for classifieds and a few for expensive, professional business-related design. <p>I have in mind a hobbyist-to-hobbyist concept. I've been thinking about it some more and I may try making such a site where people just post questions or help requests, and the individuals involved can privately decide what kind of compensation is required.<p>I wouldn't want unsolicited posting of available services; it should always be driven by the people needing work done.<p> <blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by haklesup:

What do you suppose the boundries be for the posts? People looking for cheap design or assembly help, people offering like technical services and offers to buy or sell relevant tech hardware.
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Re: Build to order (or swap)

Post by toejam »

On this idea, why not try to come up with an idea that would benefit mankind and market it as a group keep the profits and do more good? That would be fun i beiieve.
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Re: Build to order (or swap)

Post by rosborne »

My wife and I used to belong to a babysitting exchange. The idea was to watch someone from the pool of users kids and score hours of labor which could then be exchanged with anyone else in the pool to get babysitting. I thought it was a great idea, but it didn't quite work because not everyone in the pool trusted each others parenting styles. And some folks took advantage of the "free" babysitting.
I don't know if this idea is portable, but I thought I would throw it out there. The projects would have to be easily/cheaply mailable to make it worth while. I was envisioning a kind of 'you program my pic and I'll etch you a board' thing that didn't have to be a direct exchange.
On a slightly different note, It might actually be fun to create a sort of group project. Where as a group we speced something out, got funding and built it. On second thought I do that all day every workday anyway.
All right, . . . which one of youz guys started my idealism generator. :-)<p>-rick
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Re: Build to order (or swap)

Post by paulrevelcet »

When enough people work together, anything is possible. So for the first project I suggest solving the problem of empty shopping carts all over the parking at most stores, Have a shopping cart dispenser that needs a card with say a small deposit on it of 20 dollars, and a cart return that you slide your card into when you return your cart to keep say 5 dollars from being deducted from the card, the cart dispenser would talk to the return with 802.11b and could be serviced over the network. I know its not solving world hunger or anything but maybe half the profit could go to feed the children or some other charity, just a thought. :)
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Re: Build to order (or swap)

Post by paulrevelcet »

Or maybe a pot that stirs its self by using the heat of the burner as the power source, you know, every one hates to stand and stir a pot.
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