Print or copy!

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Robert Reed
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Re: Print or copy!

Post by Robert Reed »

So the skinny is that I don't need or use the img btton. Thats good as it is one less thing to fool with.
I also have a vast library as you suggested. I have PDF data sheets of all components in stock and a separate file for component data sheets of maybe future interest. Also have a ton of Application notes that are well categorized (some are for obsolete parts, but contain excellent theory).These files alone comprise about a half Gbyte. Considering its mostly text, thats a lot of saved paper! You suggest that I file this post away electronically rather than print and that sounds better than printing something I would probably misplace sooner or later. However,when doing heavy research on a project, I really like to print up a batch of specific and related information. I don't know why, but some how when just flopped on the couch, I comprehend reading matter much better than off a computer screen. Must have something to do with "dielectric absorbtion" :grin:
You made mention to converting some files to PDF and I wasn't aware that I could do this. Is this a 'pay for' program?
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Re: Print or copy!

Post by CeaSaR »


PDF's are a computer user's best friend. :razz:

While it is fine if you wish to fork out the full price for Adobe Acrobat,
there are other options available. I have used PDF995 for quite some
time now. It is a PDF printer driver that allows you to print anything to
a PDF file. Just create your document (or select something to print on
a web page or whatever) and when the print box comes up select PDF995
from the available printers. A Save box will pop up prompting for a name
to save the PDF as, and after that a pop up progress box will show on the
screen. After your PDF is done writing to the file it will be displayed on
your screen in Acrobat Reader. If you can live with the popups, then PDF995
is free. If you want to be rid of the popups, you pay a nominal fee (listed
at the bottom of the link above).

There are 2 other programs that are usefull there also. PDFEdit allows you
to combine, extract, convert, add bookmarks and many other options.
Signature995 allows you to encrypt, etc. your PDF.

Take note - PDF995 does not allow you to "edit" a PDF as if it were a regular
document as it is only a printer driver. If you need to make changes to the body
of the PDF, you must go back to your original document (maybe a Word
document or Excell spreadsheet), make the changes and reprint it as a PDF.

There are other PDF printer drivers out there, but PDF995 is the one I am
familiar with. Search with the terms "PDF printer driver" to look for more.

If you wish to be able to actually edit a PDF directly, you'll have to shell out
some $$. Acrobat standard starts at $299 US and goes up from there.

Hey, what do I know?
Robert Reed
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Re: Print or copy!

Post by Robert Reed »

$299 - WOW! I think I will just check out PDF995 - Thanx.

Been gone for a minute to down load drivers and so on. That is so cool - easy to use and only pop-ups so far have been during the conversion process which is really not annoying at all. One thing nice about this is that a lot of my files that are saved from a web site temporarily end up on my desktop in two files. One is a logo from the various browser used. The other is a folder that links images to it. I can hide the folder but it seems like when I rename it I lose images at some point down the road. The other thing I didn't like about that setup is that whenever you want to open it, it is slow as h*ll due to the fact it has to retrieve it from your browser (acts similar to a bookmark).
But having just converted a few files to PDF, it opens instantly and retains all the info. Plus it has that wonderful PDF layout and toolbar.

Seems like there is a world of info and accessories out there. I wish I had more time to devote to it, but I have too many other hobbies, and right now we are in the middle of downhill ski season in western New York.
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Re: Print or copy!

Post by CeaSaR »

My sentiments exactly. For what I use it for, PDF995 is perfect. Now, if I were
a power user, it would pay for me to spend the $300 or more for the real deal.

BTW, if you do go w/PDF995, let me know and I'll help you with some of the extra
features in the PDFEdit program. In another thread, of course. :mrgreen:

Hey, what do I know?
Robert Reed
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Re: Print or copy!

Post by Robert Reed »

I guess I was editing while you were posting.Recheck my prior post for additions.
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Re: Print or copy!

Post by CeaSaR »

You lucky dog! We only got out once this season down here in SE Pennsylvania.
Seems the slopes were making snow, but every time we had a free weekend it
was in the upper 40's or higher. Have a blast for us, will ya?


The Edit program is very handy when you need to put together a PDF from multiple
sources. I have several programs that I use to put reports together and 1 of them
only prints 1 iteration at a time. In that case, I might have 25 or more individual PDF's
that need to be strung together. As an example, I had to put a report together that
was almost 150 pages long, with over 3/4 of them being individual sheets from the
aforementioned program. I did all the base PDF printing and then compiled it into 1 big
PDF. I was then able to print out the single big PDF and have everything in the correct
order, including page numbers.

If you take a couple of hours during the weekend and explore all the options, you'll see
that it can do quite a lot. Remember, the best way to learn something on the computer
is to sit down and click the buttons and use the menus (don't forget to read the instructions
and/or the help file) to see what they do.

Glad to have helped.

Hey, what do I know?
Robert Reed
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Re: Print or copy!

Post by Robert Reed »

Remember, the best way to learn something on the computer
is to sit down and click the buttons and use the menus (don't forget to read the instructions
and/or the help file) to see what they do.
You only left out one thing here and that would be a lot of CUSSING! :grin:

Will play around with the PDF for a couple of weeks and get back to you.
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Bob Scott
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Re: Print or copy!

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What does the downloadable CONVERTER do?
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Re: Print or copy!

Post by CeaSaR »


It is a print driver that can make anything that you can print into a PDF file.
Word DOCs, spreadsheets, photos, if you use PRINT, it can become a PDF.

As I told Robert, there are a number of them out there, some you must pay for,
the rest are free. I just happen to use that particular one.

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Re: Print or copy!

Post by CeaSaR »


Webpages usually consist of the main page where all the text and formatting are
located and a subdirectory of all the images used in the presentation of the webpage.
That is why you have the IE/Firefox/Netscape icon and the folder. When you rename
the folder, the page can no longer find the address to those pictures.

If you need some help figuring out how it works, let me know. When I first started with
the web (oh so long ago), I had read somewhat about HTML. My wife wanted to start
a site and we took our time making it look good on our system. When we went to upload
the first time, nothing worked and we spent 30 some hours over that weekend reading
all the code fixing all the links in Notepad. It was definitely trial by fire.

Now that you have the PDF printer, you can convert them right away and not
lose a thing.

Hey, what do I know?
Robert Reed
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Re: Print or copy!

Post by Robert Reed »

Hello Ceasar
Just a few Questions:
If I rename File Icon & folder ( this would appear on the screen only and hopefully not disturb the file path info) with the same new name, would it work OK?

Some of the above mentioned downloads have important links within them to go to. Will I lose those when converting to PDF?

I notice that my PDF conversions break up an article at an iconveniant point (due to end of page). Would the edit program allow me to rearrange the content length for any given page to make a better reading presentation of these pages?

Also a bit confused on this one - When I convert a download to PDF, it seems I have to hit the print button first and then it downloads it on my desk top in the usual manner (browse-open-save window). Of course I usually do not print it out but just move that file to its appropiate category. But ever so often it just immediately prints it out without save options. Am I doing some thing wrong here?
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Bob Scott
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Re: Print or copy!

Post by Bob Scott »

CeaSaR wrote:It is a print driver that can make anything that you can print into a PDF file.
Word DOCs, spreadsheets, photos, if you use PRINT, it can become a PDF.
Oh, Hi Ceasar. Yes I realise that the PDF converter is in the form of a printer driver so that any program that can print, can print a PDF.

If I go to the PDF995 site it says that the free download is comprised of 2 parts, the printer driver and a "converter". I just wondered what the "converter" is for, and why is it a separate download? If you need both parts why is it separate?
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Re: Print or copy!

Post by CeaSaR »

Sorry for the lag time guys, the past couple of days have been tough due to family
emergency and a couple of d**n squirrels in the eaves.


When a web page is written, the address that links to the picture is written very specifically,
similar to your hard drive's folder structure like "C:\My Documents\My Pictures\funny.jpg"
except in web address form where the forward slash is used (/). When you save a web page
to your computer, those links are dynamically changed to reflect the new location. If you
rename a subfolder that contains the pictures, the webpage cannot find them. What you
must end up doing to fix the situation is to rename the subfolder back to the correct name.
To verify the folder name, open the web page in question and click on View (On the Menu bar
at the top of the page of Internet Explorer) and then click Source. this will show you the HTML
code for the web page. Look for something like this (taken from my personal web page):

Code: Select all

<A HREF="" target="_blank" NAME="thumbssdcalc.jpg" >
 HEIGHT="70" WIDTH="100" ALT="SSSD Calculator screenshot" BORDER="0" HSPACE="3" VSPACE="3" ></A>
The important thing here is the IMG tag stating the SRC. Here, it is:

When saved to the desktop as a HTML file I get:

Code: Select all

<A href="" target=_blank name=thumbssdcalc.jpg>
<IMG height=70 alt="SSSD Calculator screenshot" hspace=3 
src="Ceasar%20Software_files/thumbssdcalc.jpg" width=100 vspace=3 border=0></A>
In this case the SRC (src in the above code) is "Ceasar%20Software_files/..." where Ceasar%20Software_files
is the name of the folder containing the pictures for the main webpage. If you change the folder name in any
way you will "break" all the links to that folder. That is why you lost the pictures in the pages that you renamed
the associated folders.

As for the printing woes, most web pages nowadays have no correlation to the printed page, hence parts are
cut off and are broken up into strange page breaks. What you can do is go into the printer setup (for the
PDF995 printer) and select a larger page size. If it is not easily found, you might try (once the print dialog box
comes up): Preferences->Advanced->Paper Size. Check the pull down menu for a size that you think might
work. Keep trying till you find one that works. The beauty of a PDF is that you can keep rewriting until it comes
out to your liking.

Links are allowed within PDF's and they should be carried over. I'm not sure if the newest version does this or
not. I guess I'll have to dig in a bit deeper to find out. Until then, I can't say one way or the other.


There are 2 main components to the PDF995 printer: a Postscript converter and the driver that takes the
Postscript conversion and writes the PDF file. The old site was very informative in that regard, I'm not sure
what it says now, as I haven't had to go back over the info there. As for why it is separate, you'd have to
ask the folks over at Software995 that one.

Hey, what do I know?
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