Wanting to jump into robotics

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Wanting to jump into robotics

Post by HKF1971 »

First a litttle background. I have an AS in electronic engineering and have worked instrumentation and controls for 10 years. This involves many of the aspects of robotics yet not exactly robotics, including PLC programming, C programming, autocad, sensors, control loops, etc.

I was thinking of purchasing the lego mind storms kit, but didn't want to be dissapointed. I.E I want to jump in, but want to make sure that I don't waste my time on some kit that is too easy.

I am really interested just designing my own bot but have no experience i that area. I purchased a robosapien a few years ago, but haven't done anything with it yet.

Any suggestions?

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What's first

Post by ProboticsAmerica »

I think it all depends on what you want to do. If you want to test a bit and play with different concepts for sensory/movement/reaction and autonomous or near autonomous a Mindstorms kit is fine. If you want to use a computer or complex programming languages to drive tasks and/or do things with heavy weights you are going to need to put something together yourself.

Of course you can always sell the Mindstorms kit on eBay or just use it for prototyping
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