Have an interactive experience with a real robot on-line.

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Have an interactive experience with a real robot on-line.

Post by rex.robot »

This Saturday starting at 3:00 pm and lasting until 7:00 pm (eastern time) you can interact with a robot named REX.

REX is at a primitive stage of interaction. Although REX can hear you speak, his ability to understand spoken word is limited to a few requests. At this time REX has a small domain of phrases he will respond to. As with all our REX technology this will evolve and get better. These on-line experiences will be studied in the lab and used to expand future REX interactions. We hope you enjoy what REX can do now and in the future.

Windows Live Messenger 8.0. - We have tested using this release of Live Messenger and it seems to work well. In the future we may use other popular software such as Skype. For now you will need Windows Live Messenger 8.0. If you do not have a Windows Live ID, you will need one.

Microphone, Speaker, or Headset Combination – REX has the ability to listen and speak. He does not type. Interaction is achieved by use of a microphone to speak with REX and speakers to hear REX speak.

Broadband Connection – To get the most out of your interaction with REX you will need to see him moving. This is not possible over a slow connection. For the best experience you should have a broadband connection like a cable modem or T1 line. Satellite and other systems with latency do not show REX at his best.

Patience - As mentioned above REX has a limited understanding at this early stage. He will be taught more in the future. At this time the phrases REX will respond to are...

Make a face
Look angry REX
Look disgusted REX
Look frightened REX
Look happy REX
Look sad REX
Look surprised REX
Tell me about yourself
Goodbye REX

Any other phrases will produce no behavior or may unintentionally be interpreted by REX as one of the phrases mentioned above.

How to interact with REX on-line

Time and Priority - We will be offering an interactive experience with REX on-line starting Saturdays between 3:00pm and 7:00pm eastern standard time. Interaction is restrict with REX to one-on-one first come first serve.

Add contact - You will need to add [email protected] to your contacts list in Windows Live Messenger. Look for the name REX in your contact list. REX will be in one of a few possible states...

On-line – REX is waiting for a call
In a Call – REX is busy interacting with someone

You will need to wait for REX to become available to take your call. When REX is in the On-line state you may start a video call by right clicking on REX in your contact list and selecting "Video" –> "Start a Video Call" from the menu. REX will answer your call in a first come first serve manner. After a few moments REX should appear on your screen. Windows Live Messenger shows the progression of the call below the video section. Calls will have a time limit of two minutes. After two minutes REX will say goodbye and end the call. You can try to contact REX again if you wish to continue your interaction. In the future we hope to have a calling queue.

This is a pilot program

Our Motive - This event is used for research only. Interactive Cybernetics, Inc. does not charge or receive any money for your participation.

If you have questions or comments please send them to REX at [email protected] or [email protected].
Thank you. We hope you enjoy your interaction.
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