Stock market driving oil prices

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Clyde Crashkop
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Stock market driving oil prices

Post by Clyde Crashkop »

Sorry about being off subject but I had a revelation tonight and had to share it.
On the national news tonight, 7-14-06 during the stock market coverage they said that the price of oil topped $78.00 per barrel for a short time. They were speculating about what might happen because of Israel bombing Lebanon. It was not supply and demand or the oil producing countries or the cartel or our oil companies. The price of oil is driven by the stock market! So the price we pay for gas and everything else is going up because a few greedy SOBs are playing and manipulating the stock market. Is there anything we can do about this? Would it help to put the blame where it belongs?!!!!
It’s probably a futile attempt and they have no shame, but please forward this to anyone you think could do some good.
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Post by josmith »

I don't see your logical leap from oil prices to the stock market. It seems that both are driven as much by emotion as by economics. The difference is that the stocks go down when somthing bad happens or is pending while oil prices go up when anyting threatening like a war or hurricane is happening.

I don't know if anybody is manipulating the markets. The biggest thing that has driven stocks upward is the inclusion of the "little guy" into stock trading. At one time stocks were only for the rich. Now working people can lose their money to the rich as well.
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Post by jwax »

See the movie "An Inconvenient Truth".
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Chris Smith
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Post by Chris Smith »

Realitys puts many to sleep?

History tells us all the real stories. But you have to remain awake?

They said 20 years ago they couldn’t take it out of the ground in TEXASS or the Arctic or even Canada unless it achieved over the 70 dollar value, leaving shrub and his friends in deep poo poo for years at end.

Losers are always this way.

That until the price relieved them of this FUNNY obligation?

Gee, how did it go up soo fast?

Saudi friends of a moron and his daddy? GEE wizz?

Last time I heard twenty years back it was $70.00 a barrel and then they would steal it out of the ground, Canada, Texass,and the Arctic.

Was anyone still awake back then?

GEE, what’s the price right now, 78 bucks? WOW

Any one for a large sand deal, I sell it by the ton,....perfect for not falling in your ears?

What part of we have several oil morons in the WH, and oil is suddenly friendly to these moron,.... is soo hard to SEE?

Lets all make up a story to make us feel better?

Like they say, don’t learn your history, just repeat it?

And don’t even start with ethanol. A success story in the hands of even worse morons in the so called WH?

I did it,... I can hear them say, I did it,,,,say what did you actually do, and what did you just claim falsely, like everything else?

OR Just Refer to fox for that truth? Bahahahah

But, "we always can rely on fox to tell us the truth",....bahahahah if your a neo con?

ARE we going to see just one success this term, just one?
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Post by cato »

Have you ever sold something? What did you charge? Could it have been as much as you thought you could get?

Oil is $78 a barrel because someone is willing to pay $78 a barrel for it. Oil, like everything else, goes to the highest bidder. People with SUVs bid a lot.

...That and because Bush is paying back his buddies for keeping the price at $28 a barrel until after the election:

If you think oil companies are making too much money, there is a simple solution. Buy stock in an oil company. Then it will be YOU that is making too much money and it wont seem so bad.
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Chris Smith
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Post by Chris Smith »

Gee widgets are always cheaper when machinery makes it, like any US product?

A widget if hand made costs a dollar, or just a penny if its machine made?

Yet only oil is more expensive the more they produce? Bahahahah

Could these morons already have SHUT down [and conglomerated] 18 factories in the US alone, so the price can escalate to their advantage? bahahaah NO?

Could there be a DC conspirey here? Bahahahah NO?

No, we live in a democracy, and THEY [DC and Fox] never lie to us? Bahhahahah

Sand any one?
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