OPNIONS WANTED sounds too good to be true

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Re: OPNIONS WANTED sounds too good to be true

Post by perfectbite »

Think of an arctic ocean covered, horizon to horizon, with individual flat ice floes.
Now think of each ice floe as an idea or concept.
Now think that one can travel across this ocean of ice floes using the individual ice floes as slippery, unstable stepping stones to be understood before thay are left, if they are ever left, for the next ice floe stepping stone.<p>Empirically, certain routes across this broken up ice pack will give faster and more surefooted ways to navigate this ocean.<p>For instance, there is, in this expanse of ice floes, a large and stable 'Flat Earth' ice floe that looks like it leads somewhere but doesn't.<p>There is another ice floe over there somewhere that folks on it are convinced that the moon landings were a government hoax.<p>and there's another that has significantly useful perpetual motion machines as its abiding interest. <p>One of these ice floes, in the more temperate regions of this ocean, is the N&V Forum that is quite stable and very useful because folks who know a specialized field of knowledge congregate there to very kindly answer questions if they are interested in the question(s) being asked.<p>We all know that these other ice floes exist and they can even be mentioned or commented or even examined but this one tiny area of the ocean really has nothing to do with them.<p>(I was tempted to refer to the above ocean as samsaric but my chosen field of study (how the ice floes float) is not in the least germane to this forum.)<p>I'm posting this because you did respond to my request to hone your thinking and it would be churlish of me not to respond.
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Re: OPNIONS WANTED sounds too good to be true

Post by rosborne »

'churlish' now that's a word I don't see every day. My guess is that you read books, sir.<p>I tip my hat to you, even though it exposes my baldness :) <p>-Rick (feeling a little goofy today)<p>Only the nose knows.
Only the does doze.
Only the beaus bows.
Only the toes tows.
Only the hose hoes.
Only the roes rose.
Only the floes flows.
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Re: OPNIONS WANTED sounds too good to be true

Post by frhrwa »

its a bunch of crap.. I joined in on the last go around... it was free for the first bunch.. then all of a sudden there was a join up fee, then a union fee.. then.... they were gone!.. never have heard another word from them.. when perpetual motion comes along, and free electricity is available, Jesus himself will ride a bicycle around your front yard advertising it..
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Re: OPNIONS WANTED sounds too good to be true

Post by toejam »

It seems there are some that believe all that has not been discovered is imposable to exist. Aside from that statement, i would appreciate some further elaboration on Jesus riding a bicycle. That was a great design and I ride mine all the time. What I dislike is hearing gas or oil guzzling vehicles whiz by me and watching obese people get out of them after driving a block to the supermarket..
We live in fascinating times where discoveries are constantly being made Sure there will always be charlatans out there but lets not deny the possibility of anything. The reason I did not buy the video is cause my electric bill is very high.
Are some people on this forum worried about losing their income because of this maybe invention, or maybe working for the power companies?
Tesla and Jesus I think would have became great friends..
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Re: OPNIONS WANTED sounds too good to be true

Post by ringo47stars »

<blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr>I guess it’s good to have something to believe in. It seems that the majority believes that there will be some kind of energy breakthrough to save the world from the inevitable exhaustion of readily available fossil fuel. The energy has to come from somewhere and as one of my high school teachers was fond of saying "You don't get no free lunch." <hr></blockquote> <blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr>I remember reading about a young man in the the early 1900s who saw a 'PERPETUAL MOTION' machine in a shop window and was fascinated by it. He became obsessed by the apparent principles involved and late one night when out walking he decided to go by the shop to see the machine in action again. The 'PERPETUAL MOTION' machine had been switched off for the night. <hr></blockquote> <blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr> This guy should be arrested for violating the laws of thermodynamics. It's not quite a perpetual motion machine, more like cold fusion. Put a small voltage in and get big power out, that was the basis of cold fusion. Sure I can use a motor to drive a generator but I will never get a net gain in energy, in fact there will always be a loss. <hr></blockquote> <blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr> I'd like to give my opinion but I don't know how to spell the "raspberry" sound. <hr></blockquote> <blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr> So what if some huckster sells 1.6 M $20 videos and a dubious promise. If it really worked every house on the planet would have one by now. <hr></blockquote> <blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr> Permanent magnets are not really an energy source. There is some energy stored in the magnetic field, but extracting it would demagnetize the magnet. I doubt if the stored energy is very high, since they can be magnetized by discharging a capacitor bank through suitable coils, and I suspect that this is not a very efficient process. <hr></blockquote> :p
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Re: OPNIONS WANTED sounds too good to be true

Post by toejam »

Free lunch anyone?
Hello to all,<p>I was surprised to see that "Electric rocket" patent
from 1930, is re-patented again, this time under
patent number WO/0058623 and AU3722400.<p>This time, instead of title "Electric rocket"
you will see title:
http://l2.espacenet.com/dips/viewer?PN= ... =fr&DB=EPD<p>If you read it, and you are familiar with Electric Rocket story,
which was device that created thrust by directly converting
electrical energy into mechanical (some sort of UFO propulsion),
you will see striking similiraties with patent from 2000.
If you are not yet familiar with 1930's Electric Rocket,
or if you want to refresh your knowladge about it, check this:<p>http://www.amasci.com/caps/capwarp.html
by Thomas F. Kennedy<p>Whatever, and let me repeat the story of 1930's invention:
This device was actually invented in the 1930's,
by a 17-year old amateur experimenter, who was just
trying to make a new version of the old Fizeau's
condenser, but discovered a revolutionary new
propulsion system, which he patented as the "Electric
The Standard Oil Company of New Jersay (now MOBIL)
bought the patent from the boy for the then staggering
some of one million dollars. The young inventor was
sworn to secrecy, and, in fact, signed a contract
that called for the forfeiture of his million should
he divulge the secrets of his invention. Why?
Because this device can and will make fossil fuels
obsolete! Not only can it provide clean, safe, and
efficient propulsion for vehicles, aircraft, spacecraft
and machinery of every type, it can also be used to
run ordinary electrical generators, and garner far
more energy than is needed to keep it running.
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Re: OPNIONS WANTED sounds too good to be true

Post by toejam »

I did not mean to make the last post i made look as if i wrote the text of it. All i wrote was "free lunch anyone" the rest was cut and pasted from a website.
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Re: OPNIONS WANTED sounds too good to be true

Post by josmith »

That must be how the aircar works. Oh that's right,it doesn't.
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Re: OPNIONS WANTED sounds too good to be true

Post by toejam »

what is the "aircar"?
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Re: OPNIONS WANTED sounds too good to be true

Post by frhrwa »

I got in on this back when it was a free sign up.. but after that they started charging people to get on the list.. then they wanted everyone to join this union organization that they started, at a cost of course, now they want tons of money for franchising... ha ha ha... remember the old verbage: "if it sounds to good to be true, it isn't!".... this has been going on for years.. if it were real, there would be some operating somewhere by now.. any questions?...
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Re: OPNIONS WANTED sounds too good to be true

Post by frhrwa »

<blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr>That was a great design and I ride mine all the time. What I dislike is hearing gas or oil guzzling vehicles whiz by me and watching obese people get out of them after driving a block to the supermarket.. <hr></blockquote>
ToeJam.. I hope your right, I'd really like to see something free again.. like water USED to be.. but the American way is to squash anything or anyone that interferes with big business and lobby'ist money "laundering".. as for the bicycle idea.. and the gas guzzling vehicles, well, I saw this picture the other day where someone had taken and old push mower and replaced the front forks and wheel of his bicycle to make a "riding mower"...
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Re: OPNIONS WANTED sounds too good to be true

Post by perfectbite »

Wayne. I am not so sure that the American way has the prerogative over a different way. <p>In the 17/1800s in Europe, including Britain and Scandinavia and Russia, if you, as an ordinary land worker, had, let's say, a patentable idea, you yourself couldn't patent it. The 'Lord' of the estate you lived on could patent it, possibly getting a royal franchise, and reap any profits from it and it would be up to his sense of fairness to include you in the results or not.<p>The way you are referring to is just more of the same, and not very unique at that..<p>Don't forget, in Europe, Seignoural (Sp?) rights gave the rights to the lord, or his designated heirs, to bed your virgin wife on your wedding night if he fancied her and you had absolutely no recourse. If you put up too much of a fuss you could be outlawed and be killed out of hand like a bountied animal merely by his decree.
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Re: OPNIONS WANTED sounds too good to be true

Post by rosborne »

perfectbite,<p>That's how modern engineering works. If an engineer comes up with the idea for something neat, the corporation that employs the engineer owns it . . . even if it has nothing to do with the engineers job. Even if the engineer is burning the midnight oil at her or his residence. Anyway, I've always felt forced (stongly encouraged) to sign those documents and sign away my intellectual goings on in exchange for commercial employment. Someday I hope to break free . . . right now I'm appreciating the fact that I can pay my bills :/
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Re: OPNIONS WANTED sounds too good to be true

Post by toejam »

if you come up with an idea for something neat hide it from the slimeballs tell a trusted friend or relative about it and have a go at it. :D
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Re: OPNIONS WANTED sounds too good to be true

Post by perfectbite »

Back in the age of the dinosaurs I worked, very briefly, at IITRI (IIT Research Inst.) and was told that a research scientist employed there had invented and developed magnetic recording tape using IITRI's facilities. It was, of course, such a big hit, that they had to, although they really didn't have to, cut him in on the royalties. <p>Nazi-German ideas developed prior to WWII's VE day may have been up for patent grabs by the allied powers and their corporate minions. I don't know. I do know that the war reparations demanded of Germany at the end of WWI were so severe that they became seeds of discontent that helped spark WWII. 'We'll take this and this and this etc. etc.' could have been the case for WWII.<p>If one's idea is so profitable to the corporation a good case could be made that the inventor gets his/her due. Even Community Hospitals, (later to become corporate Hospitals) back in the early 80's, required an 'any invention belongs to the hospital' disclaimer in the articles of empoyment even for non-medical staff.<p>[ August 18, 2004: Message edited by: perfectbite ]</p>
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